KOFOTI Chairman Kihak Sung speaks at 2015 ITMF Congress
(EBN (www.ebn.co.kr) / Shon Byungmoon)
Mr. Kihak Sung, the Chairman of the Korea Federation of Textile Industries (KOFOTI), spoke at the International Textile Producers Federation (ITMF) Congress about apparel brands’ sourcing decision factors and the changing environment in the world’s supply chain.
The ITMF Congress was held in San Francisco from October 9th to 12th.
A KOFOTI official stated, "Chairman Kihak Sung’s speech was requested by Schindler, the ITMF Secretary-General, in February." The official said "Today's announcement will be an opportunity to discuss the status of South Korea’s textile industry with the international community."
The ITMF is an international textile organization, founded in 1904. The international conference is held annually for innovations in the textile industry. 30 countries around the world, 96 textile organizations and businesses are members.
The main presenters in this year's event were, Augustine Tantillo (President & CEO) of the National Council of Textile Organizations (NTCO), Tian Kai Wang (Chairman) of China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), and David Love (Senior VP) of Levi’s.